Interviews in Media
1. Fish markets: Driven by bycatch and sustained by subsidies. 2021. Mongabay India.
Accessed on 13/10/21.
2. Borders worth protecting. 2021. Nature India. Accessed on 1/7/21.
3. Checking spread of invasive alien fish as India faces climate extremes.
2021. Mongabay India.
fish-as-india-faces-climate-extremes/. Accessed on 5/07/21.
4. Alien invasive species may hitch a ride through China’s Belt and Road
Initiative into India.2019.
a-ride-through-chinas-belt-and-road-initiative-into-india/Acessed on 5/07/21.
5. Separate outfit needed to curb invasive alien species.
New Indian Express, Appeared on 6/2/19.
6. Your Gold fish could ruin natural aquatic system.
In New Indian Express, Appeared on 3/7/16.
7. Sandilyan, S. 2015. Downswing in Pichavaram bird population: study.
Appeared on. The Hindu English daily 16.2.15.
8. Accumulation of heavy metal in Pichavaram mangroves.
The Hindu Tamil daily. Appeared on 17.5.15.
9. Lessons we learned from Nature. PUDHUGAI FM 91.2,
broadcasted on 29/8/22. ( Accessed on 30/8/22.
10. Impacts of African Catfish. PUDHUGAI FM 91.2,
broadcasted on 29/8/22.( on 23/9/22.
11 Interesting future of Salon fish. PUDHUGAI FM 91.2,
broadcasted on 22/9/22.( %e0%ae%8e%e0%ae%a9%e0%af%81%e0%ae%ae%e0%af%8d-%e0%ae%9a%e0%ae%be%e0%ae%95%e0%ae%9a-%e0%ae%ae%e0%af%80%e0%ae%a9%e0%af%8d/)Accessedon 23/9/22.